Conference Presentation protocols

Dear Presenters

This is a short set of presentation protocols that we hope will help things run as smoothly as possible! Please do read them carefully.

  • All presentation slots are 20 minutes. This is the same regardless of whether you are on a panel with 3 or 4 presenters. There are, however, a couple of panels who have elected to have commentators. If you are one of those, please adjust that 20 minutes per person to allow for the commentator and maintain time for questions. Please keep to time. Its critical everyone do this, especially with some presenters on Zoom.
  • Please double check time zones. While we have tried to help by indicating time zones on the conference program, we suggest you check as we are not infallible and summer time can be tricky.
  • No papers are required in advance.
  • Zoom links will be sent to everyone who has registered online prior to the event. We would ask you not to share these. It’s a small registration fee to attend the entire conference virtually and we would ask you to respect that and not share with those who have not registered.
  • Zoom sharing will be enabled – so if you have a power point please cue it up prior to your presentation, either virtually or, if you are in person, by ensuring you are in the room a few minutes early to load it and also to allow for the software randomly insisting on updating. Once you have finished your presentation please promptly un-share.
  • Questions will be taken of course from both virtual and in person audiences. If you are in person, raise your hand as usual! If you are virtual, please type the question in the chat if you are happy for the Chair to read it out or type your name if you want to ask it in person and the chair will indicate when it’s your turn.
  • Something will go wrong somewhere. It is inevitable with technology. We hope that everyone will roll with it and understand that we will do our best to fix issues and ensure everyone has the best possible experience. Conversely, we also understand bandwidth and other problems and will do our best to accommodate problems virtual presenters might experience with their tech.
  • Some presentations may be recorded and available upon request for a short time after the conference.
  • For tech or other problems during the conference please email

See you soon!

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Early registration closing

Dear colleagues, just a reminder that early registration closes in about 18 hours. Please do register to avoid the slightly higher registration fee. See you in June! shaunnagh

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Final Program and Abstract Book

This is the (hopefully) final program and abstract book.

The program: While much of the program is the same as the draft program there have been several significant changes – for example panels moved to a different time/day. So please carefully check your panel time. Thank you to those who offered to chair. We are, for the moment, sticking with chairs who are present in Maynooth. For those who have offered to virtually chair we may still come back to you and I have noted you all! I still need offers of chairs however, so if you will be in Maynooth please consider chairing a session.

The zoom links will be provided closer to the conference to those who have registered for virtual attendance.

Abstract Book: This is the (also hopefully) final abstract book.

Registration: A reminder that late registration applies after 22 May. Please do register – including for virtual attendance.

See you in June!!

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Accommodation code

Apologies to those who have had trouble accessing the accommodation code or who were a little late booking before it expired. The code has been reinstated. We do suggest booking promptly. Please do follow the instructions given and use the ‘Book Now’ Button.

An updated (and hopefully final) version of the conference program will be out early next week.

We look forward to seeing you all in late June!

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Registration and Program

We are live! Registration is now open and the program is here for viewing.

A couple of matters:

The Program: we have done our best to put together panels where papers will genuinely be in conversation. There may be one or two papers that seem not to be with friends, but this is the joy of a hybrid conference. We have had to make a few compromises for time zones.

Registration: As we noted in an earlier post, we have left registration a little later than usual, so we would be grateful if you could sign up soon. But do ensure please you are registered by 22 May.

On registering you will find a code for accommodation. Follow the accommodation link, click on the yellow button ‘Book Now’, put in the dates, paste in the code where it says ‘voucher’, and you will be offered accommodation at the Courtyard Apartments on the North Campus. We only have these rooms available until 19 April. So if you do want accommodation on campus we recommend registering and booking soon. There are hotels in the area; we are not specifically recommending any as we are providing a block of accommodation on campus.

We would also like to call for volunteers for Chairs for panels. Please email me – – if you are able to help and nominate which panel you would like to chair. In case of popularity of a panel it will be first in! We hope many of you will consider helping out as this is an important part of a collegial conference.

We all look forward to seeing you in June!

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Legal Histories of Empires Conference 2022 – Abstract Book

Dear Colleagues

The Abstract Book is now available. The book has two parts. Part I contains all abstracts, from all streams, including from those who submitted panels. Part II contains the panels that were submitted.

As we have noted, the program will be along soonish. But we are still delaying this a little, keeping an eye on Covid. Further information on accommodation and registration will also be posted at that time. We will be back in touch with you before finalising the program.

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Legal Histories of Empires Conference 2022 – Program Update

Dear Colleagues,

The organising committee continues to work on arrangements for the third Legal Histories of Empires Conference (Maynooth, Ireland, 29 June-1 July 2022). We are very much looking forward to it!

We just want to update everyone as to where we are.

First, we will be posting the abstract book in the next two weeks. You will be able to see details of all the papers and panels. We are releasing this, perhaps a little unusually, ahead of the conference program. This is because, given the uncertainty surrounding international travel and COVID-19, we have decided to delay putting together the schedule. We understand final decisions about travel are difficult so – rather than re-write the schedule several times – we will be waiting a little so that everyone is a little more certain about their movements. As you can imagine, putting together a program that is hybrid and crosses many time-zones will be complicated.

We will confirm with you all closer to the event what mode you will be presenting in. So please do keep an eye out for our post on this website.

This means that we will not open registration just yet either given it depends on mode of participation. But we would ask that when we do – given that it will be closer than usual to the event – that you all register as promptly as possible. We also note that there will be a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for the conference, consistent with Irish travel regulations. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all.

More soon!

Shaunnagh and Lyndsay

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Legal Histories of Empires Conference 2022: Abstracts Received

The organising committee would like to thank everyone who submitted an abstract for the 2022 Maynooth Conference. We were delighted by numbers and the quality of the abstracts.  We have now replied to everybody. 

If you did not receive an email from us concerning your abstract, please contact us at

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Legal Histories of Empire Conference – Extension to CFP

Dear Colleagues, thank you for all the abstracts sent in!

We will be responding to these in the near future.

As a number of people have asked for an extension, we have decided to give a general two-week extension until Sunday 14 November.

We are, however, delighted with the number and quality of the abstracts already received.

General information on conference registration and accommodation coming soon!

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Reminder: Third Legal Histories of Empire Conference

A reminder that the call for papers for the Third Legal Histories of Empire Conference is currently open!  

The theme for the upcoming conference is Beyond the Pale: Legal Histories on the Edges of Empires.  The conference will be held at Maynooth University, 29 June-1 July 2022, with a range of attendance options available (in-person and virtual). 

The call for papers can be downloaded here, with a deadline of 31 October 2021.  

More information about the conference (including scholarships) can be found on the Legal Histories of Empire blog, where you can subscribe for updates.  

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